What We Do


The Hatch Community Youth Fund works to improve the quality of life for the resident youth of Brooksville, Castine, & Penobscot by underwriting participation in sports and recreation.


Every child pre-school through high school residing permanently in these historically linked rural coastal Maine communities can access, pursue, contribute to, and learn from participation in organized and mentored sports and recreational activities.


Active participation in organized and mentored sports and recreational activities, especially when discovered early, strengthens communities and bestows a lifetime of personal benefits including teamwork, connection, gratitude, self-confidence, resilience, and health.


The Hatch Community Youth Fund is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code named in honor of Francis W. Hatch & Harold B. Hatch. Though unrelated, both men were long-time, active members of our community and cared deeply about the flourishing of its many and diverse members, especially the children!

kayak boy


“The benefits for youth who engage in regular physical activity are clear: they have improved bone health, weight status, cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, cardiometabolic health, and cognitive function and a reduced risk of depression.”

—Executive Summary, National Youth Sports Strategy